Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Chapter One: The Begining


Hello and welcome to my blog. If you are here then I supose you probably already know me and therefore do not require me to introduce myself, but on the off chance that you stumbled upon this most hallowed of ground (on purpose or accident) then I shall give to you wandering stranger a brief synopsis of what this all is. It is a blog. See its not to complicated I suppose. LoL. I'm sorry I only kid this is really were I Paul Westdorp do plan to pour out my heart, my soul and my mind. To lay forth my thoughts and feelings on all subjects and to share and discuss with others the writing project I am working on at the moment. I will post pics of those close to me in my life and what ever else I can and I will share with you the important goings on in the world around me. I will post ideas for future stories, maybe, and I will recoment on comments made to me. I would love for all of the feedback I can get from everyone I can and will never hold an opinion against someone brave enough to share it. This is all I will write for now and I hope that you are well constant reader for you make what we as writers do possible. Thank You.


Blogger Marisa said...

As I have said before - I love your blog! It's awesome! lol I do like the way it's written. I can't wait to start hearing about your stories! I'd ask you, but apparently you'd rather I read about your deepest thoughts on website. LOL!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Paul Westdorp said...

Thanks for the input. And there are things I know I can't talk about on here so if you have a question you want to ask in person then go ahead. :);) Silly Nose Cheese.


2:18 PM  

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